Harvesters sign, photo: harvesters.org

Helping Harvesters Feed the Hungry

Houston’s has a long-standing relationship with Harvesters Community Food Network in Kansas City, Missouri. We recently partnered with them to donate fifty-eight cases of product to benefit Harvesters mission to “feed hungry people today and work to end hunger tomorrow.” Houston’s donated cases of consumable product from multiple vendors including Umpqua Oats, Mott’s/IBC, Ocean Spray,…

Leo Forman

We Are Houston’s: Leo Forman

Have you ever had a co-worker that loves to sing while they work? Not whistle while they work, but actually sing? Leo Forman loves to keep everyone in Kansas City entertained by singing and “aggravating everyone, but always in a good way,” says Brenda Willett, KC Swing Shift Supervisor. Leo doesn’t just sing at work.…

Employees enjoy the Kansas City's 2017 Holiday party

Totally Rad Holiday Celebration in K.C.

Houston’s Kansas City facility employees came together in 80’s prom style, on Saturday, November 18th, to celebrate the holidays. The party started off right with some delicious hors-d’oeuvres and great conversations. The delicious Italian buffet was provided by Trezo Mare. From stuffed chicken and roast beef, to salmon and a potato bar, the food is…

We Are Houston’s: Keo Sounthavin

Having a great culture is something that Houston’s is very passionate about. When new employees fit in right away and take part in those company activities it speaks mountains. Keo Sounthavin started with Houston’s in October of this year and is already enjoying spending some of his time away from work with his coworkers relishing…

Getting to Know You: Brenda Willett

Brenda Willett began her job as the Kansas City Warehouse Swing Shift Supervisor in November of 2015 and truly enjoys the team environment that Houston’s provides. With the many different backgrounds and opinions brought to the table she appreciates that they work well as a team and have fun together while working. When asked what she…

We Are Houston’s: Harold (Rocky) Liberty

It can really change your day when someone takes pride in things that may seem like “the little things,” but are really not that little. Harold (Rocky) Liberty, our Janitorial Associate out of our Kansas City Warehouse, is exactly one of those people. He works tirelessly to make sure that our Kansas City facility is…

Doug Medina, Employee of the Month

We Are Houston’s: Doug Medina

Doug Medina started with Houston’s in April 2017 as a second shift reach truck operator replenishing stock in pick locations and putting away stock in overflow locations. Cross-trained and willing to help out wherever help is needed, he also frequently assists with picking outgoing orders, and loading trucks for shipment. Doug really enjoys the people…

The August 2017 solar eclipse at 100% totality, as seen from our Kansas City, Missouri warehouse

Total Eclipse of the Sun

A total solar eclipse occurs when the moon passes between Earth and the sun, blocking all or part of the sun’s light for approximately three hours, from start to finish. August 21, 2017 was the first time since 1979 that the continental U.S. has seen a total eclipse, with the longest period of totality lasting…

Getting To Know You: Sherman Dodd

As a supervisor, part of your role is working to elevate the employees you over-see. To help them grow in their jobs and as an individual, while helping the company around you grow as well. As the First Shift Supervisor in our Kansas City warehouse, Sherman Dodd does just that. He takes pride in training…

We Are Houston’s: Michael Kohlmeyer

The workday often passes more quickly when you have a coworker who is full of fascinating stories or interesting facts. With an interest in conspiracy theories and six years of service as a Lance Corporal E3 in the Marines, Mike Kohlmeyer, “always has interesting stories to tell,” says Brenda Willet, his supervisor. Mike learns about…