We Are Houston’s: Michael Kohlmeyer

Michael Kohlmeyer, KC Employee of the Month

The workday often passes more quickly when you have a coworker who is full of fascinating stories or interesting facts. With an interest in conspiracy theories and six years of service as a Lance Corporal E3 in the Marines, Mike Kohlmeyer, “always has interesting stories to tell,” says Brenda Willet, his supervisor.

Mike learns about many of his theories while listening to Coast to Coast AM, a radio talk show on which people call in to discuss specific topics and theories. You may be wondering what Mike’s favorite conspiracy theory is. The Illuminati, a secretive power elite with globalist agenda aspiring to eventually rule the world! To prepare himself in case such a situation ever arises, Mike is also a survivalist, meaning he is always stocked up on the essentials needed to be self-sufficient for a period of time

When he’s not listening to conspiracy theories, camping, or reading, Mike enjoys his time at Houston’s. He feels that the people “are more like friends and family than just coworkers,” like at other places he has worked before. Being able to complete his goals as a part of a team makes the experience more meaningful. Each month Mike has contributed to the achievement of our warehouses’ minimal picking errors goal, with minimal personal errors. Whether it is picking orders, loading trucks, or receiving and auditing orders, “Mike is a great employee always willing to learn new things and lend a hand wherever needed,” says Brenda.

Congratulations, Mike, on being selected as our Kansas City Employee of the Month for June 2017! We appreciate all of your hard work, dedication, and interesting stories.

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