SCA Expo: Specialty Coffee Insights & Inspiration

The Specialty Coffee Association (SCA) is a nonprofit organization representing coffee professionals around the world, from roasters and baristas, to the farmers who start it all. This organization formed in 2017 when the Specialty Coffee Association of America (SCAA, established in 1982) and the Specialty Coffee Association of Europe (SCAE, established in 1998) unified under…

Houston's new Kansas City, Missouri Facility - Opening April 2018

Update: New Kansas City Facility

Houston’s current Kansas City facility will close for business on Saturday, March 24th, and we will reopen in a new facility at Northland Park on NE 41st Street on Monday, April 2nd. The final details of our new Kansas City facility are well underway. The building’s exterior has been painted. The dock shelters and equipment,…

Chemically Speaking

  On November 15 Jason Klee from National Chemicals stopped by to bring our Sales, Marketing, and Purchasing teams up to speed on a few of their top-selling cleaners–LFD Low Foam Detergent (available in tablet or liquid form), FOG Fryer/Oven/Grill Cleaner, and Ice Machine Cleaner are the perfect trifecta for any restaurant or bar.  All…

Elf on a Shelf at Houston’s

The holidays just aren’t complete without plenty of festivities, and this year we were lucky enough to have a friendly little elf visiting us in the office to help spread Christmas cheer.  As the story goes, he traveled to us all the way from the North Pole to see what we were up to.  But…

De-stress with a Warm Beverage

Is holiday shopping or the cold weather getting you down? Let these warm holiday beverages melt your stress away. Delicious for a relaxing evening around the fire or a party with friends. Cinnamon Toddy Ingredients: 2 oz. gin 1 oz. lemon juice 1 oz. Torani Cinnamon Syrup 2 oz. boiling water dash of Angostura Bitters…

Alternative Holiday Meal Options

Planning a holiday meal can be stressful at times, especially if you add special restricted diets to the mix. No one relishes the thought of a family member or friend sitting at the table with very little on their plate due to allergies or preferences. From vegetarian, vegan, lactose sensitivities, gluten intolerance, nut allergies, sodium-restricted…

Recycle! Alternative Uses for Products & Packaging

Before you toss away your next piece of trash, think about turning it into something new and useful instead.  We are a world surrounded by products, but there are so many ways that you can reduce their impact while adding a creative, one of a kind piece to your collection that you can be proud…

The Influence of Taste Perception

You may think that ingredients are ingredients and a recipe is a recipe, and as long as those stay the same the taste of the end product will remain the same.  However, that is not necessarily the case.  As it turns out, the way we taste food actually goes beyond just its flavor.  All of…

Fancy Dining 101: What Am I Eating?

Ever go in to a fancy restaurant, take one look at the menu, and think, “Wow, I’m stumped…”? Fear no more, I’ve compiled a list words from the world of fine dining that will help you navigate your way through with confidence and ease! Aioli: a creamy, emulsion spread consisting of garlic, pounded to a…