Wilsonville Office Employee of the Quarter Q1: Teresa Myrie

Photo of Teresa MyrieTeresa Myrie came on board with Houston’s in August of 2014, and has worn a few different hats in her near 10-year tenure with the company.

As many within Houston’s and HTrans know, Teresa is our Human Resources Specialist – and she has previously worked as part of Houston’s Accounting and Accounts Payable teams. Her experience has given her a wide knowledge of Houston’s departments and people, making for an ideal role in Human Resources.

For her diligence, her ability to create connections, and her penchant for making our people feel seen & heard, Teresa has earned recognition as Wilsonville Office Employee of the Quarter for Q1.

“Teresa’s ability to foster a friendly work environment is truly commendable,” said one nominator. “Her approachability and warm nature never fail to bring smiles to everyone around her – she rapidly establishes connections and builds strong camaraderie with the team.”

Teresa’s ability to make others feel at ease has been a valuable skill, especially as there have been some transitions within the HR Team.

“HR has undergone recent changes, and Teresa has not taken a step back,” said a nominator. “She has maintained her forward momentum, demonstrating her ability to persevere regardless of the situation. She remains a committed resource for Houston’s.”

Teresa’s commitment has been noted by numerous members of Houston’s Management Team.

“Teresa takes ownership of her duties,” said another nominator. “Teresa is a great example of Houston’s culture.”

It’s evident that Teresa takes pride in her work, and upholds our Core Values in all interactions, whether internally with members of the team, or representing Houston’s to potential new hires.

“She projects a genuine desire to make Houston’s a destination workplace,” a nominator said.

Congratulations, Teresa; this recognition is well deserved.

Runners up for the quarter include Jose Sanchez (First Runner Up) and Lisa Randall (Second Runner Up).

Read about our other recently recognized team members on the Houston’s Blog.

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