We Are Houston’s: Keo Sounthavin

Keo Sounthavin, KC Employee of the Month

Having a great culture is something that Houston’s is very passionate about. When new employees fit in right away and take part in those company activities it speaks mountains. Keo Sounthavin started with Houston’s in October of this year and is already enjoying spending some of his time away from work with his coworkers relishing in one of Kansas City’s favorite traditions, watching the Kansas City Chiefs play! Keo gathered with many of his new co-workers this past weekend to watch the Chiefs take on the Dallas Cowboys.

When not taking part in company outings, Keo’s favorite weekend activity is to visit his large family in the Lawrence, Kansas area. On his visits home, he gets to relish in food from Thailand where he was born and lived up until he was just 6 months old. His mother and Aunts prepare a large Laos meal and he enjoys the time with his family and of course the hearty meal! Another activity Keo enjoys is volunteering at his Buddhist Temple in Olathe, KS every chance he gets.

When not enjoying time away from work, Keo really likes his time at Houston’s. He is first an order picker but also works in receiving products as well as transfers. His favorite part of his job is the people he works with and the great-spirited group camaraderie they share.

“Keo was my nomination for October employee of the month because he has made great strides in his time with Houston’s. He has buckled down to learn all that goes with his position. He has always been eager to learn. In October he was a picking star with no errors for the month. Way to go, keep it up Keo!” raved Sherman Dodd, Day Supervisor.

Congrats Keo! Thank you for all your hard work and welcome to Houston’s!

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