The Root of all that is Good

Do you eat root vegetables?  If not, you are missing out on one of the tastiest items the fall and winter seasons have to offer.  Versatile, and bursting with flavor and color, root vegetables pack a nutrient-dense punch—they are loaded with antioxidants, Vitamin C, Vitamin B, Vitamin A, and iron, all which help to cleanse…

Menu Design: The Solution is Simple

Have you ever gone into a restaurant and contemplated the menu design and the effect it has on your overall dining experience?  I would bet most haven’t; if you are anything like me, you are too busy ascertaining what you would like to eat rather than looking to see how the menu is arranged.  But…

The Wide World of Coffee

Coffee is grown in more than 50 countries around the world, most that lie in the Equatorial zone of latitude 25 north and 30 south, or roughly between the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn.  Production is best when grown at a high altitude, in rich soil, where the climate is sultry.  Although coffee characteristics can…

Some Health Benefits to Drinking Coffee

What’s hot, black, and delicious, loaded with antioxidants, and only has about two calories per serving?  If you guessed coffee, then you are exactly right.  While coffee gives you more antioxidants than other food or drink we ingest—including fruits and vegetables—there are other healthful benefits to drinking at least a morning cup, and maybe even…

Surviving the 2015 Restaurant Workforce Trends

Having a hard time finding and keeping good employees in your restaurant?  You might not be alone.  As the economy in the United States is on the upswing, and restaurant growth is projected to grow for the 16th straight year, one would think that employees would be easy to come by, but it seems there…

Feeling Tipsy?

Not so many years ago it seemed that we worried about tipping… things like when to tip, who to tip, and how much is a reasonable amount.  For instance, should we add a gratuity when we pick up a gift card from the hostess at a restaurant, or do we tip the waiter who brings…

Dining Out: Customer Service Reigns

When the restaurant business took a turn to the south during the recession, there was not a lot of money left in the average person’s budget to allow for any kind of dining out, much less at grandiose restaurants.  But let’s not forget about the upper crust, the elite who had the money to spare…

Easter Sunday Brunch Buffet: Are you In?

Brunch.  That lazy Sunday meal, that “cheerful, sociable and inciting…talk-compelling…sweep away the worries and cobwebs of the week” meal comprised of all that is good about breakfast and lunch.  Although the origins of brunch are unclear, what is clear is that the concept caught on in the United States probably around the 1930s, as Hollywood…

The Dark Side of Specialty Crafted Beer

What could be better than a nice cold craft beer?  There is nothing better than standing in the beer aisle at your local grocery store and choosing your favorite, and then heading home in anticipation of that first sip.  Or ordering at your favorite bar and anxiously waiting for the waiter or waitress to bring…

Front-of-the-House Technology Amplifies Service

Recently I took my family for an impromptu dinner at a family-style restaurant chain.  It was later in the evening, not very busy, and I was happy after a long day to be sitting down and having someone wait on me—no cooking, no deciding what to make to make the kids all happy, and no…