Restaurant Trend #2: Good Things Come in Small Packages

Bigger is not always better. Whether or not you agree with this statement matters not—the truth is that downsizing is winning the race in many aspects of the foodservice industry. From menu size to portion size, restaurants are cutting ties with the “bigger is better” motto and changing things up in order to conform to…

Restaurant Trend #1: Beauty Shots

Can you eat it?  Can you take a picture of it?  If you answered “yes” to both these questions, then you are right on track with the first trend in 2015 foodservice.  I read an article a while back about turnover time in restaurants nowadays.  Although the speed of service has increased in order to…

20 Food Safety Tips: What I Learned

I recently watched a webinar about procedures and ideas to employ in order to ensure food safety in restaurants, moderated by Joe Carbonara, Editor-in-Chief of FE&S Magazine, with guest speakers Clay Hosh, Instructional Designer Manager for the NRA in Chicago and passionate teacher of the ServSafe program; Dan Henroid, Director of Nutrition and Food Services…

Father’s Day is June 15th

Father’s Day was first celebrated on June 19, 1908 and although there is some discrepancy over how the tradition began, one thing is certainly clear—we celebrate in order to honor our fathers by giving them a special day to distinguish them. President Johnson’s executive order made Father’s Day a holiday in 1966 and in 1972…