Things to Know Before you Go Green

Energy efficiency.  Cool concept.  We should all do our part to save the environment.  Right?  But as simple as it sounds, there are some confusing aspects that should be addressed before you jump in and make decisions about how your restaurant can join the green revolution.  The key is to understand what is available to…

Food Trends 2015: Funky is Better

2015 is gearing up to be a crazy, erratic year of trends in food, drink, and in the industry overall.  The Millennial generation has made them more about “I want what I want, when I want it,” and this leaves restaurant operators perplexed as to which direction to go.  Combine this with a growing number…

Front-of-the-House Technology Amplifies Service

Recently I took my family for an impromptu dinner at a family-style restaurant chain.  It was later in the evening, not very busy, and I was happy after a long day to be sitting down and having someone wait on me—no cooking, no deciding what to make to make the kids all happy, and no…

Show the Love this Valentine’s Day

This year Valentine’s Day falls on a Saturday creating a perfect storm for restaurant operators, with the opportunity to make the entire weekend a financial windstorm for many establishments.  While not necessarily a “holiday,” the day of celebration generates $10 billion nationwide, and a night out tops the list of how shoppers spend that money.…

Restaurant Trend #9: The People Behind the Food

With the battle over an increased minimum wage continuing, 2015 is likely to bring some changes to the restaurant business as the spotlight turns to the people behind the food—the servers, the cooks, the bus staff, bartenders, host/hostesses…all the employees who ensure smooth operation on a day-to-day basis. The debate over minimum wage is a…

Restaurant Trend #10: Generation Z

Just when restaurant owners started to figure out how to appeal to the Millennials, in march Generation Zers, with their emoticons and emojis, their iPads and YouTube, SnapChat and Instagram, their tech-savvy minds and digital wherewithal. Before snarling and grumping over these new young diners and all their quirks, perhaps it will be best to…

Fancy Dining 101: What Am I Eating?

Ever go in to a fancy restaurant, take one look at the menu, and think, “Wow, I’m stumped…”? Fear no more, I’ve compiled a list words from the world of fine dining that will help you navigate your way through with confidence and ease! Aioli: a creamy, emulsion spread consisting of garlic, pounded to a…

Restaurant Trend #6: It’s Better Bitter

Often toxic or poisonous items have a bitter taste, and evolution has taught us to spit out the flavor as a defense mechanism against illness or possibly even death. Babies, especially, have this natural tendency, and it is thought that this is because only a small amount of toxins can be harmful to them. But…

Restaurant Trend #5: Authentic Asian

Asian food is not new to the United States, and in fact can trace its American roots back to 19th century San Francisco, when Chinese immigrants came in hopes of striking it rich during the gold rush. Chinese restaurants were first patronized only by the Chinese but some operations modified their foods, hoping to cater…

Restaurant Trend #3: Please (Don’t) Take a Seat

If you haven’t yet heard of fast-casual dining, please crawl out from under your rock. Sit-down and fast-food dining are losing ground as fast-casual gains momentum in a race to feed Americans the best quality food at the most reasonable prices. Rising in popularity during the 2008 recession, when casual dining sales plummeted, the fast-casual…