International Women’s Day 2022

International Women’s Day is a day to celebrate the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women around the world. While at Houston’s we’re fortunate to have impactful women making a difference within our company, the industries of product distribution and transportation have historically been predominantly male.

In observance of International Women’s Day, we’re proud to take the opportunity to highlight the insight and perspectives of women throughout our company.

Amanda Hackathorn

Amanda Hackathorn

Q: There are a number of women in leadership roles here at Houston’s – our President, department heads, and warehouse supervisors, for example. In what ways does this contribute to the strength and success of Houston’s?

Amanda Hackathorn, Purchasing & AP Manager: It’s simple, we need diversity in the workplace to be successful. Women and men think about things differently which can be challenging to the point of frustration – OR – we can use that to our advantage by talking things through, sharing ideas, asking questions, etc. The leadership team here is very different, but we all have the same goal – which is to be successful. We need different perspectives in order to make balanced and informed decisions.

Lenni Treat, Customer Services Manager: I think that it is a valuable thing to have diversity and inclusion in general. The strong representation of women at Houston’s represents a place that shows that they value this trait and that is a strength to us as an employer and in our business relationships.

Mia Smead

Mia Smead

Tabitha Straws, West Region Manager: Women and people from different backgrounds are integral in the success of a company. Everyone thinks and approaches tasks in such different ways, having a variety of ways to look at a task or a challenge is the best way to solve it. Women should always be a part of every leadership team and that is part of what attracted me to Houston’s.

Mia Smead, HTRANS Operations Coordinator: I think it is very important and awesome that we have so many amazing and strong women here at Houston’s. I think men’s and women’s minds sometimes work and think differently, so having women’s input can help out in ways some wouldn’t think about.

Brenda Willett, KC Warehouse Assistant Manager: Women bring unique perspectives and ideas, along with diverse experiences.


Q: Houston’s company motto is “People, Not Just Products.” What does it mean to you to have a company emphasis on “people?”

Tabitha Straws

Tabitha Straws

Tabitha Straws: One trademark of a company led by women is empathy and compassion. Some would find those traits as a weakness, but they really are a sign of strength when it comes to a good leader. People want to work for a company where they matter. Making sure that decisions are made with the best interest of the employees makes for strong, reliable, and longtime happy employees!

Rebecca Phillips, President: I believe that if the company is not focusing on its people first it is not going to be successful in focusing on customers. While we always want to provide good service in all aspects of our business, we can’t do that without first having good people. And we won’t have good people if the company doesn’t invest in them. 

Lenni Treat: I feel valued as a person who has unique ideas, needs, and goals. Because our company focuses on people, we are encouraged to show our individuality. But we all are working together as individual people to accomplish the same goal. There is power in numbers. We are more successful together.

Annette Kramer

Annette Kramer

Annette Kramer, Admin Manager: Houston’s invests in our “people” by making the effort to value and prioritize the employee experience. The company is in a better position to succeed. Valued employees = company success!

Becca Gorsch, Central & Northeast Region Manager: A focus on people means the ability to network – collaboration, communication, critical thinking. From the warehouse to the sales teams, all Houston’s employees work together for the betterment of both the company and customer.

Q: How do Houston’s Core Values factor into fostering a company culture of equality and opportunity for women?

Rebecca Phillips: The goal of our Core Values is to help support a culture that fosters a strong foundation for all employees. Focuses on growth, connection, integrity, and taking ownership are things that everyone can be successful in regardless of differences, gender or otherwise. 

Tabitha Straws: Houston’s Core Values really empower our employees to speak up, offer suggestions, and take charge of a situation without fear of failing. Even a failing is viewed as an opportunity for growth and learning. I think that a lot of employees, historically female, have great ideas and can offer impressive insights often do not speak up in a situation where they feel unsupported. Houston’s really helps eliminate that by fostering a workplace where everyone can be themselves and ideas are encouraged in a safe place.

Annette Kramer: Houston’s has worked hard over the years to create a culture of fairness and inclusion. Job satisfaction, collaboration, and work performance are all enhanced.

Lenni Treat: I think that all of our Core Values foster this – Be the Change, Operate with Integrity, and Create Connections especially. We would not be living these values if we didn’t foster a company culture of equality and opportunity for women.

Lenni Treat

Lenni Treat

Q: The industries of product distribution and transportation have historically been predominantly male. What are some of the principles and guidelines that have helped you navigate any challenges you’ve faced in your careers?

Lenni Treat: With this being my first job where I interact directly with the warehouse and transportation worlds, I feel really lucky that I have had wonderful interactions with all involved. I think that on both sides, this has been because we are all listening to each other, open to hearing new ideas and questions, and take the other person’s opinion seriously. 

Brenda Willett: Stay true to myself, be the best I can be while discovering my own strengths. 

Rebecca Phillips

Rebecca Phillips

Rebecca Phillips: Especially earlier on in my career there were plenty of times when I was the only woman sitting at a table during a business meeting. Moving past that fact is the first step. I went through a period of time where I felt I had to be more aggressive in order to prove my place. While it’s important to know when to stand up for yourself or stick to your point, acting with integrity to your own principles is going to work best in the long run. 

Amanda Hackathorn: Just because I am a woman doesn’t mean I don’t understand logistics, or sales, or foodservice products. My view is that we are continuing the work of female trailblazers by continuing to be good at business. 

Becca Gorsch: Get to know your people. Understand your preferences. Be clear about communication and delegation. By aligning a task’s purpose with team or individual beliefs and goals, delegation can become an opportunity for growth. Look for ways to engage in collaboration. 

Mia Smead: I feel just being confident in what you do will always go far. Hold your head up and always move forward.

Brenda Willett

Brenda Willett

Q: What are some words of encouragement and advice you would give to women who might be looking to move into a position of leadership / career in sales / career in traditionally male-dominated fields?

Brenda Willett: Be confident in who you are and your abilities. 

Amanda Hackathorn: Ask questions, be honest, have integrity. Work to build up relationships with people so you can have that extra support, regardless of their gender. I am all about personal growth and I feel so lucky every day to have men and women here that lift me up and support me.

Becca Gorsch: Lead by example!!!!!

Becca Gorsch

Becca Gorsch

Mia Smead: I would say just be strong and don’t take no for an answer – depending on what the situation is. Just because something has been more male-dominated, I feel a woman’s perspective can change a lot of things. Just because we are women, it doesn’t mean we don’t know what we are talking about or doing. Sometimes change can be a good thing and just because that’s how it’s always been done, doesn’t mean it’s the right way.

Lenni Treat: Be yourself! Be confident in yourself and the decisions that you make. Trust your gut. It’s a valuable resource.

Annette Kramer: Believe in yourself and your potential. Being confident in your ability and what you have to offer in the workforce as a leader.

Rebecca Phillips: Ask questions even if no one else is. Follow your gut and bring your strengths to the table. Know that self-doubt does not equal reality. View challenges as exciting opportunities!

Q: For those of you who have been with Houston’s for many years: in what ways have you observed support, changes, and evolution for advancement and opportunity for women?

Mia Smead: I have been with the company for 14 years and I feel like I have always been equal and not looked down upon. Being treated equally is very important. Nowadays, I don’t think of any job as “just for men” or women. I feel if you have the right qualifications and are right for the job, it shouldn’t matter if it’s a man or woman. Getting the job done at the end of the day is all that matters. 

Amanda Hackathorn: I know a company that has been around since 1933 has had to make some hard decisions over the years, but the difference between now and then, is now we have open communication and transparency. It’s not perfect yet, but it’s lightyears ahead of where we used to be.

Annette Kramer: I started as Houston’s on-site daycare director in October 2000. When the decision was made to close the daycare, I was offered the opportunity to move into the Administrative Department within the company. I consider this to be hugely supportive on the part of the management team at the time. In my time here, I have had the privilege of working with and seeing women being promoted for their well-deserved dedication and evolving ideas.

Read more about Houston’s and International Women’s Day, with our 2021 post on the Houston’s Blog.

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