We are Houston’s: Angel Cervantes

Angel CervantesAngel Cervantes starting working for Houston’s nearly fifteen years ago in the Returns Department where he continues to thrive today. Angel enjoys the variety of responsibilities he has within the Returns Department; from receiving product and restocking product in the warehouse, to performing cycle counts and occasionally even delivering product to local customers. When asked what he enjoys most about his job, Angel replied “the people,” explaining that everyone is easy to get along with.

Aside from work, Angel enjoys driving, restoring and working on old, classic cars, as well as attending car shows. He enjoys pizza and Mexican cuisine – especially tacos and enchiladas. When asked to recall his favorite memory, Angel describes working long summer days in California, laboring in the hot sun from the wee-hours of the morning until dusk. He and his fellow co-workers would help pass time talking while picking grapes that would be made into wine.

Angel has recently been selected as Houston’s Employee of the Quarter for the second quarter of 2015. Angel’s supervisor, Nancy, says, “[he] is an outstanding employee. Angel is doing a great job here at Houston’s.” Confident in his skills and abilities, Angel attributes his excellence to his years of experience with Houston’s. We thank you for your commitment to excellence, Angel, and look forward to working with you for many years to come!

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