HTrans truck during sunrise

Top Priority: Safety on the Road

I have been with HTrans for over a year now and during that time one of the primary focuses has been to look for opportunities to improve the safety of our Driver Team. We have accomplished a great deal towards that end by rolling out dash cameras to our entire fleet, implementing additional monthly safety…

HTrans truck during a sunset

Driving Safely: Cell Phone Use Guidelines

With the cell phone becoming such an integral tool of our personal and work lives, we are all faced with the added challenge of how to safely manage cell phone use while driving. There are few professions that are more difficult to incorporate safe cell phone use than commercial driving. In recent meetings with Houston’s…

Safety Corner: Inclement Weather Safety

“That time of the year” is upon us. October arrives and brings about Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. It is a great time of the year for family, fun, and laughter, but it is also the time of the year that brings in a change of weather. Although we are thinking about snowy conditions just yet,…

Fire Prevention: Are You Prepared?

Is your restaurant at risk for fire?  If you aren’t certain how safe your establishment is, keep in mind that, according to Claims Journal, as recently as 2011 “an estimated 5,900 restaurant building fires occur annually in the United States, resulting in an estimated average of 75 injuries and $172 million in property loss.”  Investing…

20 Food Safety Tips: What I Learned

I recently watched a webinar about procedures and ideas to employ in order to ensure food safety in restaurants, moderated by Joe Carbonara, Editor-in-Chief of FE&S Magazine, with guest speakers Clay Hosh, Instructional Designer Manager for the NRA in Chicago and passionate teacher of the ServSafe program; Dan Henroid, Director of Nutrition and Food Services…