Wilsonville 2017 Holiday Party

Familiar Fun: Celebrating the Holidays

Saturday, December 16th, Wilsonville-based employees gathered at the local Holiday Inn for our annual Houston’s Christmas Party. Upon arrival, employees were handed their usual gambling “funny money” and goodie bag, but this year the baggies contained an extra gift for attendees – a Houston’s branded Fifty-Fifty drink bottle. The bottles proved to be a big…

Employees enjoy the Kansas City's 2017 Holiday party

Totally Rad Holiday Celebration in K.C.

Houston’s Kansas City facility employees came together in 80’s prom style, on Saturday, November 18th, to celebrate the holidays. The party started off right with some delicious hors-d’oeuvres and great conversations. The delicious Italian buffet was provided by Trezo Mare. From stuffed chicken and roast beef, to salmon and a potato bar, the food is…