Lemonade in a charming mason jar

Mocktails: Trending Upward

The term “mocktail” has seen increased usage within the public consciousness over the past couple decades. As many know, a mocktail is a cocktail-style beverage that does not contain any alcoholic ingredients. While non-alcoholic bar beverages have been around a very long time, with the recent rise of healthy-living initiatives like Dry January, mocktails are…

Strawberry smoothie

Style Up Your Tabletop With Libbey Drinking Jars!

As defined by Merriam-Webster Dictionary, the Mason jar is a wide-mouthed glass jar with an airtight screw top, used for preserving fruit and vegetables. Technically, this definition is correct; a Mason jar can be used for storing fruits and veggies; but recently, they have become so much more versatile than that. Mason jars literally have…

Prism Glassware

Wine Glasses 101

Whether red or white, sweet or dry, full-bodied or light, wine requires specific serving procedures in order to tap into the full potential that it has to offer. Understanding the different types of glassware and how they complement your wine will help amplify your overall wine drinking experience! Welcome to Wine Glasses 101. Parts of…

Chemically Speaking

  On November 15 Jason Klee from National Chemicals stopped by to bring our Sales, Marketing, and Purchasing teams up to speed on a few of their top-selling cleaners–LFD Low Foam Detergent (available in tablet or liquid form), FOG Fryer/Oven/Grill Cleaner, and Ice Machine Cleaner are the perfect trifecta for any restaurant or bar.  All…


Are You Prepared for Cinco de Mayo?

Cinco de Mayo began as an unlikely victory over Napoleon III but it has changed into a time to celebrate Mexican culture, music, and cuisine.  It has been celebrated in the United States since the 1860’s. but didn’t become a national holiday until 2005.  It is treated as a time to educate, celebrate, and enjoy our favorite…

Cider Trends

The cider craze has been booming over the past few years, with more and more establishments starting to carry hard cider. There are now four common choices for ordering a beverage at your local bar: beer, wine, liquor, or cider. Hard cider is an alcoholic beverage that is naturally gluten free made from the fermented…

Table setting using Tuxton China

Setting the Table for Success

While perhaps not blatantly noticeable, well-set tables tend to naturally blend in with the décor of the restaurant, while improperly-set tables have a tendency to jar the general perspective of diners.  It’s a small thing, but it makes a big difference to the overall ambience of the dining establishment. One thing to remember when planning…

International Beer Day 2014

Many believe that beer originated in Germany, and although it is a major part of the German culture, beer is actually thought to have been around as early as the 5th millennium BC as processes and favorites were recorded on clay tablets in ancient Mesopotamia. Today, all beers are distinguished as either ale or lager.…

Glassware 101

The equipment you buy for your restaurant establishment sets the tone for your guests’ general dining experience.  Glassware is no exception.   What you serve your drinks in matters—it adds to the general look and feel of the restaurant, to the ambiance, to the mood you wish to impart to the diners who patronize your place…