Houston's Merchandisers stock shelves and storing back-stock.

An Inside [Sales] Look Into Merchandising

The partnership between Houston’s and Cash & Carry is a fascinating one. Unlike grocery stores, Cash & Carry did not have vendors come in and stock their own product until they partnered with Houston’s. Our merchandising program has evolved over the years and continues to be the reason we have such a great relationship with…

cross-training is a win-win

Cross Training: A Win-Win Scenario

Houston’s strives to provide growth opportunities for our employees and flexibility to internal departments through a process known as cross-training. The benefits of a cross-training program provide a win-win scenario for both employers and their employees: Top 5 Employee Benefits Learning new professional, technical, and soft skills makes employees feel more confident in their role…

20 Food Safety Tips: What I Learned

I recently watched a webinar about procedures and ideas to employ in order to ensure food safety in restaurants, moderated by Joe Carbonara, Editor-in-Chief of FE&S Magazine, with guest speakers Clay Hosh, Instructional Designer Manager for the NRA in Chicago and passionate teacher of the ServSafe program; Dan Henroid, Director of Nutrition and Food Services…