What’s Your Wine? Pairing with Food

Since its inception, wine has been a dietary staple and has even been “accidentally” paired with foods.  For example, heavy red wines of Greece were often served with lamb dishes that were a staple of the region.  In Britain there is some evidence of a more purposeful matching of wines.  Wine merchants were known to…

What’s Your Wine? Why the Glass Matters

So after learning the basics of wine-tasting, you should have some ideas as to how to choose a wine that you really love to drink.  Now it’s time to buy the right glasses—because yes, glassware is deemed the most important tool in the enjoyment of drinking wine.  It boosts the appeal of the wine you…

Feeling Festive? The Season of Mardi Gras is Upon Us!

Mardi Gras is French for “Fat Tuesday” and refers to the carnival celebrations leading up to Ash Wednesday, the day the fasting season of Lent begins.  It is celebrated throughout the world, but in the United States the party tends to focus in New Orleans, where for a period of two weeks you can find…

Show the Love this Valentine’s Day

This year Valentine’s Day falls on a Saturday creating a perfect storm for restaurant operators, with the opportunity to make the entire weekend a financial windstorm for many establishments.  While not necessarily a “holiday,” the day of celebration generates $10 billion nationwide, and a night out tops the list of how shoppers spend that money.…

Spiegelau Logo & Wine Lovers

For the love of wine: Spiegelau Wine Lovers Collection

Quality and affordability combine to make one fantastic new line:  the Spiegelau Wine Lovers collection by Libbey.  Known in the industry for its high performance and detailed craftsmanship, Spiegelau is dedicated to producing the best possible glass and has yet to disappoint. Spiegelau’s Platinum Glass technology—the process of passing liquid glass through platinum-lined tubes—increases  the…

Glassware 101

The equipment you buy for your restaurant establishment sets the tone for your guests’ general dining experience.  Glassware is no exception.   What you serve your drinks in matters—it adds to the general look and feel of the restaurant, to the ambiance, to the mood you wish to impart to the diners who patronize your place…