How Do You Take Your Tea?

Whether a person drinks tea for the ritual, for its calming effects, or for its refreshing qualities, there is little doubt that the beverage has quite a fan base.  In fact, after water, tea is the most widely consumed beverage in the world. Traditionally, tea leaves were steeped in hot water to the desired strength…

Coffee Fest Portland 2014

Coffee, Tea, and Trends: Coffee Fest Portland 2014

Coffee Fest, bringing retailers, distributors, and manufacturers together for more than twenty years, buzzed the Portland Metro area this past weekend, offering up everything from demonstrations to samples, cuppings to competitions, trends to education. As described on the Coffee Fest website, “If it looks like coffee, smells like coffee, goes well with coffee, or is…

Maya Chai: Before the Rage

Chai. It’s all the rage—more than just a rich Indian drink, chai is now used in coffeehouses across the country. And it is used to flavor foods (think breads, oatmeal, and even ice cream.) But before chai became a craze, before it was even a household term, a young Manish Shah was sipping his mother’s…