Beer and Food: A Winning Combination

Pairing wine with food has been around long enough that most higher-end restaurants have sommeliers available to help diners find their perfect food-wine combination in order to heighten their dining experience.  With craft breweries opening doors in every corner of the United States and beyond, beer “has made it onto the menu as more than…

Cheers for Beers!

It’s no secret, Americans love their beer.  Just ask anyone who drinks alcohol and I bet they can tell you their favorite.  It seems, though, that all beer would taste essentially the same, since all beer is made in about the same way, whether you choose to drink a macro-brewed Coors or micro-brewed ale from…

The Dark Side of Specialty Crafted Beer

What could be better than a nice cold craft beer?  There is nothing better than standing in the beer aisle at your local grocery store and choosing your favorite, and then heading home in anticipation of that first sip.  Or ordering at your favorite bar and anxiously waiting for the waiter or waitress to bring…

Food Halls: A Past or Present Anomaly?

Food halls are the latest culinary movement spreading across the United States.  In a sense, food halls take us back to a time before there were supermarkets, before there were convenience stores and drive-thrus, back to a time when locally sourced, artisanally crafted was the prime way to buy and consume. So what, you may…

A Super Bowl without Chicken Wings? Say it isn’t so!

Did you know that Super Bowl Sunday is the second largest food consumption day of the year? True fact! The infamous sporting event is second only to Thanksgiving. And now that we know that the Seattle Seahawks and New England Patriots will be facing off in Super Bowl XLIX, on February 1st, many of us…

Restaurant Trend #6: It’s Better Bitter

Often toxic or poisonous items have a bitter taste, and evolution has taught us to spit out the flavor as a defense mechanism against illness or possibly even death. Babies, especially, have this natural tendency, and it is thought that this is because only a small amount of toxins can be harmful to them. But…

International Beer Day 2014

Many believe that beer originated in Germany, and although it is a major part of the German culture, beer is actually thought to have been around as early as the 5th millennium BC as processes and favorites were recorded on clay tablets in ancient Mesopotamia. Today, all beers are distinguished as either ale or lager.…

Glassware 101

The equipment you buy for your restaurant establishment sets the tone for your guests’ general dining experience.  Glassware is no exception.   What you serve your drinks in matters—it adds to the general look and feel of the restaurant, to the ambiance, to the mood you wish to impart to the diners who patronize your place…