Green Initiatives at Houston’s

Hands holding the EarthEarth Day is often a time to reflect and take account of the ways in which we as individuals, as companies, and as a society are able to “go green” and support a healthier environment. Houston’s is proud to do our part to be environmentally conscious through the course of our business operations wherever possible.

Houston’s has engaged in several environmentally focused initiatives to reduce waste, commit to lower carbon emissions, and look for other ways to improve our planet and our business together.

These programs include partnering with the e-Mission Control organization and affirming our commitment to the recycling of shipping & storage materials like cardboard and shrink wrap.

e-Mission Control

In 2022, Houston’s was recognized as a Green Fleet Pioneer by the e-Mission Control organization. The goal of the e-Mission Control program is to reduce carbon emissions and petroleum dependency across Oregon and California, and Houston’s is proud to be a partner in this endeavor.

Green Fleet Pioneers are e-Mission Control partners who participate in the Oregon DEQ’s Clean Fuels Program and are committed to using clean energy in their operations.Green Fleet Badge

One of the main reasons Houston’s is eligible to join as a Green Fleet member is through the use of battery-operated electric forklifts.

“We report the miles that our forklifts run, the company calculates what we would have used with a carbon-using vehicle,” said Rebecca Phillips, President. “The forklifts themselves are not new to us, but being a part of this program is new for Houston’s.”

Joining the initiative in 2021, through the first year of membership Houston’s has accounted for 39.11 metric tons in reduced CO2 emissions.

In everyday terms, that reduction is equivalent to:

  • Eliminating emissions from 4,149 gallons of gasoline used
  • Eliminating emissions from burning 40,791 of coal
  • Avoiding 3,579.48 lbs. of waste going into landfills
  • Growing 614 tree seedlings for 10 years

Continuing Commitment

In addition to our e-Mission Control endeavors, Houston’s is also committed to doing our part in recycling waste material such as cardboard and plastic stretch film. Each year on average, our Wilsonville Warehouse Operations Team recycles more than 52,000 lbs. of cardboard and over 29,000 lbs. of stretch film.

Though others may claim that “it’s not easy being green,” Houston’s continues to find ways through collaboration and teamwork to make it happen.

Read more about other ways in which Houston’s is active in the community on the Houston’s Blog.

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