Team Member Spotlight: Kevin Wunneburger, Q4 Merchandising Employee of the Quarter

Intuitive, resourceful, and adaptable are just a few of the terms used to describe Kevin Wunneburger. As an important part of Houston’s Merchandising Team, Kevin has earned recognition as the Merchandising Employee of the Quarter for Quarter 4.

Photo of KevinKevin originally joined Houston’s as a member of the Warehouse Team in 2015. He was eventually offered a role within the Merchandising Department and has grown into the supervisor position he now holds.

It’s no secret that 2021 has seen some challenges within the foodservice industry. Kevin has been a valuable part of mitigating some of these issues, especially in relation to staffing challenges within the warehouse-style stores Houston’s Merchandising Department services.

According to one nominator, “Kevin has spent most of these last three months assisting in other territories that have been shorthanded. He has taken this opportunity to get to know those store managers and to learn more about how the stores outside of his territory are set up and maintained.”

On multiple occasions, store managers have reached out to offer unsolicited positive feedback. They have expressed how much they appreciate Kevin’s ability to work seamlessly with them to ensure their customers’ needs are met.

“He is always willing to do whatever it takes, even if it means more work for him,” a nominator said.

Drawing on his six years of experience here at Houston’s, Kevin has the ability to anticipate problems before they happen, create a plan, and implement that plan with minimal oversight. He’s able to remain dynamic within changing circumstances and adjust his workday on short notice.

Outside of work, Kevin likes to spend time with his family. He is married to his high school sweetheart, and they have two daughters whom they are very proud of.

Houston’s is grateful to have outstanding people like Kevin on the team. Congratulations on this well-deserved recognition!

Read about the other Houston’s Employees of the Quarter for Q4:

Jasmine Hardcastle, Wilsonville Q4 Employee of the Quarter

Oscar Perez, KC Q4 Employee of the Quarter

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