Team Member Spotlight: Cameron Buddrius

Employee: Cameron Buddrius

Since 2013, Cameron Buddrius has been an integral member of the Houston’s warehouse team. He has a hand in almost every warehouse function, whether he’s maintaining hazmat information, doing freight quotes, or completing sample requests.

It’s no wonder that the variety of work is one of his favorite parts about working at Houston’s. “But I mostly like the people,” he says. “Everyone’s always in a good mood, and they’re fun to work with.” That constant work ethic, versatility, and positivity has earned Cameron our January 2021 Employee of the Month award.

As much as he gets done on the job, Cameron is just as busy at home. He has several hobbies. He likes to build PCs, learn more about what makes different vehicles operate, and he’s a history buff.

In speaking with Cameron’s manager, it was easy to understand what made him the right choice for the Employee of the Month award. “Cameron was nominated, not only for being the top order puller at 180 units per hour, but also for his knowledge in other departments,” she says. “He starts his week out by helping in the FedEx department and ends his week by helping out with Cash & Carry, often being asked to stay late. He is always willing to lend a hand where he is needed and still finds time for his own job.”

We ask every Employee of the Month a lightning round of questions to get to know them a bit more. These were Cameron’s answers…

What is something you’re really excited for?

I’m ready for COVID to be over. I’m going to a sit-down restaurant as soon as things return to normal.

What’s one thing you can’t live without?

My friends and family.

If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?

I’d definitely live in the U.S., but I’d need to travel more to make a decision on which state. I’m staying in Oregon for now.

What’s the best way to start a day?

Mentally prepare for any task that might be ahead.

Have you recently watched any good movies or shows?

I just started watching some 60’s and 70’s war movies. It’s interesting to see how far movies have come.

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