7 Ingredients That Will Spice Up Your Hot Tea

hot tea

Along with a new year, January brings with it a whole lot of flavor! This month is also known as National Hot Tea Month. Now, we know that not everyone is a fan of tea, but as a growing trend amongst the beverage market, there are plenty of people clamoring for the next best way to enjoy it. In honor of that, we’ve decided to list a few of the more popular ways you can enjoy a hot cup of tea. Who knows? Those tea-niers out there might come around on one of these excellent flavor combinations.

coconut milk1. Dairy-Free Beverages

Adding milk or cream to your hot tea is a fairly common combination, but what about dairy-free beverages? A nice ginger tea goes well with some almond milk, adding a nice nutty sophistication to the spicy flavor. And coconut milk is the perfect base to lay down for a chai latte, creating a smooth and sweet beverage to warm up those winter months. Hey, did you know that Houston’s offers dairy-free beverages from Pacific Foods, Califia Farms, and Almond Breeze?

hot tea2. Maple Syrup

You’ve probably tried honey in your tea, but here’s something even better! Maple syrup can cut through more full-bodied teas such as Numi’s Rooibos and other black teas. The sweet, rich nectar could also go quite well with a fruitier tea that would normally carry more tart accents on its own.

hot tea3. Ice Cream

If you’ve heard of an affogato (espresso poured over ice cream), then you likely won’t be surprised to hear a similar creation is trending with tea. That’s right! A hot Mountain High Chai by Two Leaves and a Bud or Cinnamon Apple Herb Tea by Bigelow can quickly become a dessert when put in a bowl of cold ice cream or even a fruity sorbet. Try it yourself and you may just have a new favorite way of enjoying your cup of the day.

hot tea4. Cinnamon

Sure, you’ve enjoyed a cinnamon tea, like Bigelow’s Cinnamon Stick, but what about adding a bit of spice to another tea? You can do this with just about any tea, but if you’ve got a green tea, you might be surprised by the resulting concoction. Pour a little cinnamon (or add a stick) into Two Leaves and a Bud’s Organic Tropical Green and discover how a normally vegetal flavor is transformed into an earthy and surprisingly sweet tincture packed with health benefits.

hot tea5. Fruit

Citrus is not an uncommon element in tea. In fact, most iced tea recipes will call for a few orange or lemon wedges. But it’s not iced tea month! Well, hot tea that’s been brewed with a couple slices of your favorite citrus fruit or even a number of berries can impart new flavors beyond your wildest tea-magination. We suggest Numi’s Chamomile Lemon or Mighty Leaf’s White Orchard. Mix and match orange, blueberry, raspberry and more!

cheese6. Cheese?

It got its start in Taiwan but appears to now be making its way west. You begin by mixing milk and cream cheese in a separate dish to create a sort of creamy foam. Once your tea is brewed (any tea you like!), pour on this chilled mixture and enjoy both by pulling the tea through the foamy topping. This might be a bit of a fad, but it’s growing and certainly worth a try if you ask us. Fans say to resist the temptation of stirring the two parts together. Just enjoy the creamy texture of the cheese before the tea hits your palate.

hot tea7. Liquor

A cup of hot tea at just the right time can make all of your worries melt away, but for a completely relaxing experience, the occasional swirl of liquor might just make the cut. What can you add to your tea to give it a little more kick? Try a splash of rum in your black tea or a spot of gin in your chamomile; a bit of whiskey in green tea or a draw of Irish cream in a chai. Give some other combinations a go. We’re sure you won’t be disappointed.

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