Frizz Coffee – the original sweet & bubbly espresso!

Frizz Coffee - served over ice

Sweet Bubbly Espresso. Photo Courtesy of Frizz Coffee

Coffee drinkers rejoice! Houston’s is proud to announce the arrival of Frizz Coffee to our product line-up!

Produced in southern Italy, Frizz Coffee is the original sweet & bubbly espresso soda with pure cane sugar and a single shot of espresso rounding-out it’s very simple ingredient list. Frizz Coffee’s rich flavor tastes best when served cold, and even straight from the bottle. It can also be enjoyed poured over ice with half & half or cream. Frizz lovers say that it is a “must try,” and for those who are hesitant about the idea of coffee soda, rest assured that it tastes much better than you might think; especially when used in one of these delectable recipes from Frizz Coffee:

Frizz & Cream

  • 1 bottle Frizz Coffee
  • half & half or Cream
  • Ice
  1. Pour Frizz Coffee over ice.
  2. Add half & half or cream, to taste.

Frizz Float

  • 1 bottle Frizz Coffee
  • Vanilla Ice Cream
  1. Fill a glass with vanilla ice cream.
  2. Pour Frizz Coffee over the top and enjoy!
Frizz Italian Cream Soda

Photo Courtesy of Frizz Coffee



Frizz Italian Cream Soda

  • 1 bottle Frizz Coffee
  • 24 oz cup filled with ice
  • 1/2 oz Vanilla Syrup
  • 1-1/2 oz Cream
  1. Pour Frizz Coffee and Vanilla Syrup over ice.
  2. Top with cream and stir. Mix it up by trying other syrup flavors!



Frizz Frapp

  • 1 bottle Frizz Coffee
  • 24 oz cup, chilled
  • ice
  • Smoothie Base
  • 1/2 oz Caramel Syrup
  1. Combine Frizz Coffee, Caramel Syrup, Smoothie Base and ice.
  2. Blend and serve.

Frizz Mudslide

  • 1 bottle Frizz Coffee
  • Ice
  • 1 shot Irish Cream Liqueur
  • 1 shot Coffee Liqueur
  1. Fill a glass with ice.
  2. Add one Irish Cream Liqueur and Coffee Liqueur.
  3. Pour in Frizz Coffee, stir and serve.
Frizz Coffee - served over ice

Photo courtesy of Frizz Coffee


  • 1/3 bottle Frizz Coffee
  • Old Fashioned Glass
  • Ice
  • 1 shot Whiskey
  1. Pour Frizz Coffee and Whiskey over ice.
  2. Serve in an Old Fashioned glass.

White Frizztini

  • 1/2 shot Kahlua
  • 1/2 shot Vanilla Vodka
  • 1/2 shot half & half or cream
  • 1/2 bottle of Frizz Coffee
  1. Mix all ingrdients in a cocktail shaker with ice.
  2. Shake, strain into glass and serve.

Black Frizztini

  • 1/2 shot Amaretto
  • 1/2 shot Brandy
  • 1/2 bottle Frizz Coffee
  1. Mix all ingredients in a cocktail shaker with ice.
  2. Shake, strain into a glass and serve.

Have you tried Frizz? How do you drink it – over ice, with cream or flavored syrup? Watch for new recipes and join the conversation! #HowDoYouFrizz

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