We Are Houston’s: Brenda Finzer

Brenda Finzer, Employee of the Quarter

Brenda Finzer first started with Houston’s in July 2015, in the Admin Department. After moving into Purchasing in mid 2016, Brenda seems to have found her niche as a Buyer overseeing inventory control. She works to keep product in stock while balancing inventory between the Wilsonville and Kansas City warehouses. Despite Houston’s Buyers not having the typical Buyer role (as they don’t negotiate pricing), one of Brenda’s favorite things about her job is, “the challenge of keeping the inventory in stock and balanced.” Brenda also enjoys Houston’s casual welcoming atmosphere, the friendly people, and the crazy, fun attitudes of her co-workers!

Purchasing Manager, Amanda Hackathorn, speaks highly of Brenda, “She is really fun to work with. She is creative, smart, and has a great sense of humor. She works hard every day and can laugh off just about everything. These characteristics are valuable as a team member as they help her to learn from her mistakes and keep her motivated to be better every day. Purchasing is truly lucky to have Brenda on our team.”

Outside of work, Brenda is usually busy keeping up with her family – two teenage boys and her 9-month old grandson, Wyatt. With Wyatt’s family recently moving a little further from home, Brenda makes sure to enjoy all the time she can with them, including frequent trips to the beach as a large group. If she’s not with her family, Brenda also enjoys ocean fishing, crabbing, photography, and hiking – especially My. hood and Mirror Lake. When asked what celebrity she would like to spend time with, Brenda quickly responded, “Russel Wilson! He’s cute and fun to watch.He’s not an arrogant quarterback like others.” If you hadn’t already guessed, Brenda us a bug Seattle Seahawks fan. In fact, she was sure to point out that (at the time of this interview) there were only five weeks until the season opener. We expect Brenda to be cheering on the Seahawks on August 18th, while possibly enjoying her favorite meal – chicken kabobs, rice, and grilled veggies. Yum!

Brenda’s dedication to her favorite football team resembles her dedication to her work. Her ability to consistently think outside of the box, and her desire to be a better Buyer as well as look for ways to make her department even better, are the primary reasons Brenda was nominated for the employee of the quarter. “She is a pleasure to work with and is always willing to help out whenever needed, be it covering phones for a break or sending in orders for other Buyers, whatever is needed. She does all of this with a smile and a great sense of team work,” says Amanda.

Congratulations, Brenda, on your Employee of the Quarter award for the Third Quarter of 2017. The honor is well-deserved. Thank yo for all of you hard work!

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