We Are Houston’s: Marsha Batiste


We would like to congratulate Marsha Batiste, our Kansas City Employee of the Month for April! Marsha works as a shipping associate in the Kansas City Warehouse. She is part of the FedEx team and she also coordinates all freight and will call orders that are processed in KC. Additionally she assists in Receiving when needed, especially on transfer truck days.

“Marsha has been a key player since she started with Houston’s. She rarely comes in without a smile on her face. She is willing to take on any task, such as picking orders, loading trucks, receiving, or even filling in and answering the telephones. She completes tasks with the same enthusiasm by making sure it all gets done correctly the first time. I remember when she first started and struggled with the electric pallet jack. She persisted until she mastered it. She now can use it as well as other power equipment with ease,” said Sherman Dodd, her Supervisor on day shifts.

Marsha Batiste, Kansas City Employee of the Month

When asked what she likes most about her job, Marsha said the people that she works with and the positive atmosphere. She also enjoys her work schedule as it fits well with her lifestyle. Marsha has no particular favorite part of her job; she enjoys everything about her experience with Houston’s. She is also part of the KC Culture Club where she has participated in many activities such as decorating the associate break room, Christmas party planning committee, sporting event outings, and picnics.

When not at work, Marsha enjoys spoiling her grandchildren every chance she gets. She also enjoys church functions and attending her brother’s football games.

One interesting thing people may not know about Marsha, is that she has the hardest time deciding what to wear each day, including what to wear to work every day. She changes her mind on an outfit at least three times (“I would not want to go shopping with her, ever,” – jokes Robert Jones).

Thank you for all that you do, Marsha! Houston’s appreciates you and all your hard work!


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