We are Houston’s: Teresa Petrin

Meet Houston’s second quarter Employee of the Quarter, Teresa Petrin.  Teresa has worked for the Houston’s Accounts TeresaEQ-FeatureImagePayable department since August 2014 and has excelled at all levels since the very date she was hired.  According to her supervisor, Jasmine Peterson, Teresa was chosen Employee of the Quarter because she demonstrates a high level of skill in the department but also because of a willingness to help out in other departments when needed including—but certainly not limited to—answering the phones in Reception, helping our Administration staff with preparation for monthly birthday celebrations, or if she is running the AP department alone.  She shines in all areas of her work!

I like to ask our Employees of the Quarter what makes them excel at the work they do for Houston’s.  So often I find that there is an inner drive that motivates them to do well, a pride in doing things right.  Teresa is no different.  She is good at her job because she takes it personally.  It matters to her that the paper trail is correct, and she often goes to great lengths to play detective, to sort out problems and tackle them from start to finish.  In her words, she takes “pride [in her work] because what we do is important.”  She truly enjoys making sure that our vendors are paid the correct amount, in a timely manner.  Jasmine completely agrees.  She states that Teresa’s “enthusiasm to learn/take on new tasks, attention to detail, and willingness to help others has built a great foundation within the AP department.”

Before Teresa was hired at Houston’s she was a stay-at-home mom, and transitioning back in to work was a challenge for her.  With a newborn at home, a new full time job, and learning the ins and outs of the Accounts Payable position, she certainly felt the stress.  However, she tackled all the pressure with grace, and a desire to do well, and she has proven to be beyond capable of juggling her many hats.

Although Teresa loves her job in the accounting department at Houston’s, she would love to have more time to spend time with her three children and her fiance, chasing adventures and trying new things in new places.  She also is an avid reader, a swimmer, and a Jamaican Dancehall enthusiast.  If a genie would grant her just one wish it would be to have a small house by the beach where she could walk daily to the local market for fresh food.  It would be awesome if that same genie could throw in a couple of chickens and a goat!

Thank you for all you do, Teresa.  Houston’s appreciates you and all your hard work.

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