Digital Dining Etiquette

Since cellphones emerged and rose to the forefront of technology in the 1980’s and 90’s, restaurateurs have questioned the etiquette of cell phone use during dining, and the impact that technology use has on other patrons.  Between talking loudly at the table, or paying attention to a phone rather than reading the menu these technologies have affected habits at the table.  An online post in 2014 went viral because of the complaints from a suspected waiter that patrons on a cellphone added up to 10 minutes of wait time per table, and took valuable time from wait staff when having to accommodate party picture.  But what can a restaurateur do to change how much cellphone and technology use affects the dining experience in their restaurant?



Ban Cellphones

Initially many restaurants simply banned cellphone use. This was met with backlash as some people needed to have access to their phones for personal or business matters.  The bans promoted negative reviews and press, causing most restaurateurs to abandon this tactic. “Distracted by Technology at Mealtimes – It’s Not Who You May Think”, an article detailing a Nielson global survey, indications it isn’t just Millennials and Generation Z on their phones during meals. Surprisingly, Baby Boomers came out on top using technology at meals 52% of the time.  Millennials (at 40%) and Generation Z (at 38%) came in at the bottom. So, rather than ban cellphones and technology, perhaps it is time to figure out how to accommodate them within a restaurant atmosphere.

Design a Space for Phones

Now restaurants are building with cellphones in mind.  While encouraging a no-cellphone policy the Green Russell added a vintage phone booth to their layout and encouraged customers to step into the booth when they had to use their phone while dining.  Having a dedicated cellphone use area away from the dining room not only ensures privacy while on a phone call, but also limits the distractions for others dining in the same establishment.

Take Advantage of the Tech

Other restaurants encourage cellphone use, making their phone booths part of an online marketing strategy to get their name noticed.  BuzzyBooth, a small stand with a tablet, is a social media photo station patrons can use while waiting to be seated.  Each photo shared through the BuzzyBooth is tagged with the restaurant location, and social media links.  This option makes technology a part of your business and the cellphone becomes a positive thing to see on the table rather than a hindrance.

OnPhoneRestaurateurs can also encourage customers to take photos of food and use a specific hashtag found at the bottom of the menus.   Used as a digital form of word of mouth advertising for a business, hashtags along with other social media tactics make a specific watering hole, coffee shop, or restaurant easier to find.  Technology and social media can be a great addition to your current marketing strategy as your customers will practically be doing your advertising for you.

Making your own policy

When considering what your restaurant should do when it comes to technology in the dining room, first answer these questions:

  • Do you use tablets or other mobile devices as part of your everyday operations?
  • Would the use of a cellphone or other device benefit or hinder your restaurant atmosphere?
  • What devices would be included in a technology ban or limited-use policy?
  • How would such a policy be promoted and enforced?

Should your organization plan to implement a digital etiquette policy, first understand the potential repercussions of such a policy.  Does your establishment utilize a digital/dining etiquette policy?  Let us know what policies work for your business in the comments.

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