Presentation is Key

Do you eat with your eyes?  Studies suggest that this old saying may have some truth to it.  A group at Oxford University tested the idea that diners find artistically presented meals more appealing, according to The Guardian.  The team presented a sampling of people with one of 3 salads with identical ingredients, each arranged differently.  The result?  Most preferred the more artistically presented salad in both general liking and taste.  One possible reason for this is that a presentation that looks like it took more time and effort to put together influences consumers’ perception of food quality.  As mentioned in our previous article, The Influence of Taste Perception, all of our senses work together to result in our enjoyment or dissatisfaction of the food we eat.  We make associations with colors, shapes, and textures.  Whether we realize it or not, we place those associations on new experiences to imagine what we think our food is going to taste like.


Does your food photograph well?

Our senses can influence our overall dining experience too.  Food plating is important, but following close behind is the general atmosphere of the establishment.  The lighting, sound, layout, and décor are all factors that can affect our enjoyment of a meal.  These components will make the first impression of a dining experience and can set the tone for the rest of the meal.  Food presentation though, will seal the deal.

We can take note of the eating habits of children as an example of the importance of food presentation.  Serve a plate of vegetables and often they look at it in disgust.  Arrange the vegetables into a smiley face and all of a sudden they are willing to give them a try.  While we can assume most adults won’t take it to that extreme, what we see on the plate can change our expectation of what we’re about to eat.  Not only that, but presentation can lead to great exposure for a restaurant if done well.  With the saturation of social media today, it’s easier than ever for people to instantly share a dining experience.   It’s all too common for guests to snap a photo or two of a beautifully plated dish and share it with their social network before even taking a bite.


An appealing food presentation is key.

So now that we know presentation is important, what are some guidelines to follow?  Food presentation is still all about timing.  It must look appealing, but also not take too much time—no one wants their food to be colder or hotter than it’s supposed to be.  Make sure to serve hot foods on warm plates and cold foods on cold plates too.  A good balance of different textures, even colors, is something to think about as well.  Add in a garnish if your dish needs a pop to make it more interesting.  Balance in portion size is important too—make sure your plate size fits the amount of food that is being served.  Also think about the theme of your restaurant.  Is it simple? Classic? Funky? Fancy?  Arrange your plates to reflect that vibe.

Ready to go out and present a winning dish?  What type of things catch your eyes?

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