Affordable. Versatile. Complex. Citrus!

Want to add complex flavors to your dinner items without breaking your bank?  As diners’ tastes expand and as they are more willing to accept various layers of fusion and flavor, citrus is becoming the go-to staple for chefs, and even bartenders, in all genres of food and drink.

According to Technomic Inc.’s MenuMonitor, “menu items with citrus in their names or descriptions jumped 21 percent at limited-service restaurants last year,” and the trend continues to make gains.  Oranges remain the most popular type of citrus grown in the United States but other citrus fruits—grapefruit, limes, and many more—continue to gain momentum.  Jesse Gideon, corporate chef and vice president of operations at Fresh to Order in Atlanta says he would use citrus in anything.  “Citrus provides an explosion of flavor, making salt levels brighter without being saltier” because the acidity levels make the flavors pop off your tongue.  That same acid is what makes the fruit great for tenderizing because it is able to break down the fibers in meat.  The days of marinating in saline liquids are waning, then, as citrus is increasingly used to flavor poultry, fish, beef, and pork.

The health conscious, especially, love the trend.  Citrus is “a perfect fit for the trend toward fresh and healthy eating with nutritional values and enticing flavors that have long been consumer favorites,” notes Claire Smith, director of corporate communications for Sunkist.   Fresh citrus fruit allows chefs to add flavor without adding extra sodium or extra fat to the dish, and each bite results in a tart flavor that balances the savory and the sweet.


Not sure what to think about the new citrus trend?  Try the recipe below and let us know what you think…

Spicy Citrus Grilled Chicken

1 cup freshly squeezed orange juice

1 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper

2 jalapeno peppers, diced

2 cloves minced garlic

½ cup fresh cilantro, chopped

¼ cup honey

1 whole chicken, cut into parts

Combine first six ingredients in a large Ziploc bag.  Seal and mix ingredients to combine.  Add chicken.  Let marinate in refrigerator about 4 hours.

Grill over medium heat until chicken is cooked through.


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