A Super Bowl without Chicken Wings? Say it isn’t so!

Did you know that Super Bowl Sunday is the second largest food consumption day of the year? True fact! The infamous sporting event is second only to Thanksgiving. And now that we know that the Seattle Seahawks and New England Patriots will be facing off in Super Bowl XLIX, on February 1st, many of us…

Restaurant Trend #9: The People Behind the Food

With the battle over an increased minimum wage continuing, 2015 is likely to bring some changes to the restaurant business as the spotlight turns to the people behind the food—the servers, the cooks, the bus staff, bartenders, host/hostesses…all the employees who ensure smooth operation on a day-to-day basis. The debate over minimum wage is a…

Restaurant Trend #10: Generation Z

Just when restaurant owners started to figure out how to appeal to the Millennials, in march Generation Zers, with their emoticons and emojis, their iPads and YouTube, SnapChat and Instagram, their tech-savvy minds and digital wherewithal. Before snarling and grumping over these new young diners and all their quirks, perhaps it will be best to…

Restaurant Trend #8: Local is Better

For many, eating locally is a necessity—underdeveloped countries simply don’t have the means to eat any other way. But North Americans have grown accustomed to globally sourcing such foods as oranges or raspberries, lettuce, and even oysters, eating them year round because modern farming techniques and transportation allow for it. In recent years, though, diners…

Restaurant Trend #7: Accommodating the Healthy

When you think about healthy eating, what do you think about exactly? Low calorie? Vegetarian? Diet? Organic? All-Natural? Fresh? Fat-free, sugar-free, gluten-free? There is no doubt that each of these can have an effect on your health, and with just a quick internet search you can find the reasons that each style of eating is…

Restaurant Trend #6: It’s Better Bitter

Often toxic or poisonous items have a bitter taste, and evolution has taught us to spit out the flavor as a defense mechanism against illness or possibly even death. Babies, especially, have this natural tendency, and it is thought that this is because only a small amount of toxins can be harmful to them. But…

Restaurant Trend #5: Authentic Asian

Asian food is not new to the United States, and in fact can trace its American roots back to 19th century San Francisco, when Chinese immigrants came in hopes of striking it rich during the gold rush. Chinese restaurants were first patronized only by the Chinese but some operations modified their foods, hoping to cater…

Restaurant Trend #4: Raise a Glass

Have you noticed lately, that any time you walk in to a coffee shop or restaurant, it seems that there are a new plethora of drinks to try, drinks you’ve never heard of, drinks with almond milk, pumpkin spice, chai tea, warm and spicy flavors for the fall, tropical sweet for the summer, savory twists…

Restaurant Trend #2: Good Things Come in Small Packages

Bigger is not always better. Whether or not you agree with this statement matters not—the truth is that downsizing is winning the race in many aspects of the foodservice industry. From menu size to portion size, restaurants are cutting ties with the “bigger is better” motto and changing things up in order to conform to…

Restaurant Trend #1: Beauty Shots

Can you eat it?  Can you take a picture of it?  If you answered “yes” to both these questions, then you are right on track with the first trend in 2015 foodservice.  I read an article a while back about turnover time in restaurants nowadays.  Although the speed of service has increased in order to…