Spicing It Up in the Kitchen

Properly seasoned food is the key to good taste.  When your guest comments on how great the food tastes you can be certain that the food was seasoned to perfection.  But how do you season to excellent taste?  The simple answer is that practice makes perfect, but having a starting point to guide you will…

How Do You Brew?

With the third wave of coffee among us consumers are becoming more and more aware of the coffee they are drinking.  A quick cup of commercial blend is becoming a thing of the past as we are becoming more and more savvy about the blend of coffee, where it comes from, how it is roasted,…

Cinco de Mayo, an Unlikely Victory at Puebla de Los Angeles

Cinco de Mayo.  A day of festivals, parades, and Mariachi bands, of food, beer, and celebration.  It is celebrated in Mexico, especially in the state of Puebla, but has become increasingly popular in parts of the United States with a larger population of people with a Mexican heritage.  Many people believe that Cinco de Mayo…

Beer and Food: A Winning Combination

Pairing wine with food has been around long enough that most higher-end restaurants have sommeliers available to help diners find their perfect food-wine combination in order to heighten their dining experience.  With craft breweries opening doors in every corner of the United States and beyond, beer “has made it onto the menu as more than…

Things to Know Before you Go Green

Energy efficiency.  Cool concept.  We should all do our part to save the environment.  Right?  But as simple as it sounds, there are some confusing aspects that should be addressed before you jump in and make decisions about how your restaurant can join the green revolution.  The key is to understand what is available to…

Cheers for Beers!

It’s no secret, Americans love their beer.  Just ask anyone who drinks alcohol and I bet they can tell you their favorite.  It seems, though, that all beer would taste essentially the same, since all beer is made in about the same way, whether you choose to drink a macro-brewed Coors or micro-brewed ale from…

When Two Worlds Collide: Making Beer with Grapes

Imagine.  Inside King Midas’ tomb a vat was found and inside that vat was alcohol residue.  From that single vat, scientists recreate an ancient recipe.  And from that ancient recipe emerges a beer-wine hybrid that is quickly becoming one of the hottest trends in craft beer. It’s pretty wild that scientists were able to recreate…

The Taxing New IRS Rule for Tipped Employees

Servers in restaurants are required to report all their tips to the IRS.  And operators are obligated to report no less than 8% of each server’s sales as income for every pay period.    So it’s been for eons, unchanged even since I waited tables way back in the day.  That is, until June 2012 rolled…

What’s Your Wine? Boutique Wineries

Change has been edging in on the food industry for quite some time as consumers are making it more apparent that they wish to buy food locally, or humanely produced, or hand crafted, or any combination of one or more of these attributes. It should be no surprise, then, that wine connoisseurs are searching for…

What’s Your Wine? Pairing with Food

Since its inception, wine has been a dietary staple and has even been “accidentally” paired with foods.  For example, heavy red wines of Greece were often served with lamb dishes that were a staple of the region.  In Britain there is some evidence of a more purposeful matching of wines.  Wine merchants were known to…