benefit – Houston's Blog Tue, 23 Jan 2024 19:39:29 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Some Health Benefits to Drinking Coffee Wed, 15 Apr 2015 16:10:47 +0000 What’s hot, black, and delicious, loaded with antioxidants, and only has about two calories per serving?  If you guessed coffee, then you are exactly right.  While coffee gives you more antioxidants than other food or drink we ingest—including fruits and vegetables—there are other healthful benefits to drinking at least a morning cup, and maybe even…

The post Some Health Benefits to Drinking Coffee appeared first on Houston's Blog.

What’s hot, black, and delicious, loaded with antioxidants, and only has about two calories per serving?  If you guessed coffee, then you are exactly right.  While coffee gives you more antioxidants than other food or drink we ingest—including fruits and vegetables—there are other healthful benefits to drinking at least a morning cup, and maybe even more.

Drinking coffee can make you feel happier, and drinking about four cups or more of coffee per day led to about a 10% reduction in depression rates.  Researchers believe it is because of the antioxidants present in the beverage.  But truly, just smelling coffee has the ability to reduce stress levels caused by sleep deprivation, and that alone is enough to make me happier!

Athletes can improve performance by drinking coffee because it increases epinephrine levels in the blood to ready our bodies for intense physical exertion.  The jolt that you receive from the caffeine is especially helpful in endurance sports like distance running and cycling.  But even non-athletes who are looking to shed a few pounds can benefit:  the caffeine and nutrients found in coffee breaks down the fat cells in your body and releases them into your blood, making them available to burn as fuel.  Studies have found that caffeine can boost the metabolic rate by as much as ten percent in individuals who consume moderate amounts of coffee daily.  Physical performance and fat-burning qualities aside, just improving energy levels because of its stimulant effect is enough to make that daily cup of coffee so worthwhile.

And coffee appears to offer protection to the liver.  Liver-damaging diseases and conditions, such as hepatitis or chronic alcohol abuse, damage the organ by causing scar tissue to form (cirrhosis) and thus make it difficult for the liver to properly function.  While there is no way to undo the damage caused by cirrhosis, researchers found that people who drink at least four cups of coffee per day may lower the risk of cirrhosis, therefore keeping the liver healthier for longer.

The jolt of caffeine that you get from your daily cup (or cups) of coffee allows your brain to work in a more efficient and smarter way, too, which help to improve your energy levels and make you smarter.  When the caffeine travels to your brain it blocks inhibitory neurotransmitters, which in turn allows an increase in norepinephrine and dopamine, leading to enhanced firing of neurons.  It is this stimulant effect that boosts your energy, your mood, and other aspects of brain function.

The caffeine and nutrients in moderate amounts of coffee can also work to keep your brain healthy.  Although not a cure for neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s, dementia, or Parkinson’s, reasonable consumption of coffee can work to lower the risk of contracting the diseases, or at the very least, delaying their onset.

So what, then, is a “moderate” intake of caffeine?  For simplicity’s sake, moderate can be defined as about 300 mg per day, or roughly 3-4 cups of ground roasted coffee.  If coffee is not your only source of caffeine, you should gauge your intake accordingly.  Tea and cola contain about 300 mg in 5-6 servings, and the average chocolate bar contains about 35 mg of caffeine.  But caffeine affects every person differently so you should drink it within your own comfort level.  It takes about 6-10 hours for the effects of caffeine to wear off so if you have trouble sleeping at night you should adjust your intake to reflect the time it takes you to metabolize the caffeine.  Similarly, if your coffee causes you to be irritable, nervous, or anxious you should probably decrease consumption.

So there are many health benefits associated with drinking coffee, and there is evidence that consumption can improve your overall mental and physical health.  But while it has been determined that coffee drinking is not as bad for your health as once thought, and in fact could even be good for you, there has not been any study that has determined that the benefits outweigh the risks.  By all means enjoy your daily cup of coffee, but please interpret the benefits with caution.

Are you a coffee drinker?  Do you experience any of the beneficial effects mentioned previously?  Or do you drink coffee simply for the warm fuzzy feeling you get when you brew the perfect cup?



The post Some Health Benefits to Drinking Coffee appeared first on Houston's Blog.

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